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Жителям итальянской деревни запретили болеть и выходить из дома слишком часто

Мэр деревни Белькастро выпустил указ, предписывающий «избегать заражения любыми заболеваниями».

The mayor of the Italian village of Belcastro issued a humorous but serious decree prohibiting residents from getting sick and leaving their homes too often. This unconventional move was a desperate cry for help to address the village's lack of adequate healthcare. Belcastro, located in one of Italy's poorest regions, has no regular medical clinic, leaving residents with limited access to essential healthcare, especially during nighttime or holidays. The mayor hopes this attention-grabbing measure will pressure regional authorities to improve healthcare access for his village.

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15 часов назад Сестра создателя ChatGPT обвинила его в изнасиловании: фото Сэма Альтмана и Энн
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ID: 15496427
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